Sunday, April 13, 2003

Almost forgot about the pompadour mullet guy. Big muscular guy in his late thirties-early forties, polo shirt with tooshort sleeves to show off his tats, (which ended just below, as if he had to keep them covered by short sleeves at work) insanely well-trimmed beard, hair oily-curly on top, mulleted down the back. Came in towards the end. Already animatedly drunk. Drank a beer and talked to another almost-middleaged drunk guy for a couple of minutes. They did that drunks-taking-in-a-loud-bar thing where one would lean over and say something reaaall close to the other's ear, then they'd both lean back and laugh or nod exaggeratedly, and mouth "yeah, totally!" then the other would lean over and say something and so on. Then the other dude left and he headbanged with his whole torso. As if he were headbanging to Cinderella, or Poison, back in the golden Camaro days of his youth. While holding his beer perfectly still. Did this for about ten, fifteen seconds. Then finished his beer and left.

Went to Phila. last night and saw the Jayhawks. They were meh. I realized that I knew more of their songs than I thought, and just didn't like them very much. I mean they're very nice and all, just...meh. I wouldn't change the station but I wouldn't put the album on either.

Had a nice catfish sandwich though, and my first whole beer of 2003. That's a lie. I didn't drink the whole thing.

The two girls at the table behind me were not at all interested in the nice meh music. During the songs the loud one just made what sounded like bleating noises, but between songs the bleating resolved to things like the loud one telling the...less loud one about how this guy was "THE MOST SUPPORTIVE THING I'VE EVER HAD" and "HE THINKS I THINK OF HIM AS JUST THIS GOOFY GUY, AND HE IS THIS GOOFY GUY, BUT" and at one point she actually said "and she was like 'DON'T GO THERE!'" and I just thought for fuck's sake if you're gonna be rude in 2003, be rude with 2003 catchphrases, not 1997 catchphrases. Hep me to some newschool slang I ain't hep to, yet! Hit me with yer shazbot!

I just read the below. I write just like my Dad.